Shared three strategies that passionate and driven individuals can adopt to start creating sustainable impact in their communities. They were:
đź’Ą Profiling Passion:
I believe that Passion is a powerful motivator for creating, scaling and sustaining impact. The conversation around passion has been so distorted that people are beginning to develop some skepticism around it.
But here’s the thing: In the course of my journey as a changemaker, I’ve seen that skills are changeable, knowledge is changeable, BUT passion remains constant and cannot be changed.
It is an enabler and a guiding compass to what you’ve been innately wired to do and become. Pursuing your passion is a powerful motivator. It is important to follow your passions and let your knowledge and skills follow where your passion takes you.
đź’Ą Developing Skills:
We often underestimate what we can learn and what we can teach ourselves if we are motivated and focused. Developing a specific skill set is key to performing at higher levels and thriving in continuously changing work environments.
By constantly updating and acquiring new skill sets, we position ourselves to design and implement cutting edge interventions that improve living conditions in our communities and effectively address real-world problems.
đź’Ą Leveraging Experience:
I once came up with a quote that says “Everything you’ve been through has prepared you for everything you can become”.
The hurt you felt, the lessons you learned, the challenges you overcame are all stories and branding tools with which you can make a difference. At the intersection of your past, pain and passion lies an incredible opportunity for impact. Our experiences serve as choice points for each one of us. We can choose to play into a victim mindset and give our power away, or we can use challenges as opportunities to learn, grow and effect positive change in our communities.
I believe that we can all make a difference right where we are, with whatever it is we have.
#thethrivequeen #impact #sustainabledevelopment #skills #experience #passionforimpact #sdgs #mwf
Everything you’ve been through, the challenges, your unique experiences, the highs and the lows, the country you were born into, the environment you grew up in, the family you have, are all working together to make you the BRAND that you are, that cannot be replicated anywhere else in the world!!! Don’t ever forget that.