How many times have you been crystal clear about a particular action and super convinced about how positive the outcomes would be, if that action was taken?
You were clear on what you needed to do, how you needed to do it, when you’d have to do it and even had laid out strategies on the most effective way to do it. A couple of times right?
Let’s go again, How many times have you eventually gone ahead to take that action? 9 out of 10, 7 out of 10, 2 out of 10, once, never? Whatever your response is, is perfectly fine.
At this point, your guess is as good as mine… The missing link in equations like this is ACTION.
It’s not enough to know what to do, knowledge and strategy alone will not get you where you ought to be or get you the results you desire as a changemaker… Action will.
Sometimes we shortchange ourselves and miss out on mindblowing outcomes and results by our inability to take action.
Results, whether impact, influence or income will always be hinged on having a strong action bias- A willingness and ability TO DO what is required.
We never really know what wins, possibilities and realities are on the other side of our inaction until we take that step and actually put in the work.
Tell me, will you do this?