It’s no longer news that the world as we know it is changing, with such incredible speed and complexity.
In times like this, most people feel pressured and incredibly anxious, thinking of all that is yet undone, against a pile of immense hopes, dreams, ambitions, goals and desires.
Regardless of how you feel today, here’s the thing, YOU WILL THRIVE
The individuals who thrive and secure their spot in the future of work, are the people who embrace continuous learning and acquire healthy learning behaviors which are the lynchpin to achieving success in a fast changing world. Healthy learning behaviours help us respond quickly to challenges, learn new skills and adapt quickly.
These learning behaviors include:
Deciding exactly what it is you want to be able to do and exactly what it is that you NEED to learn. When the overall goal seems overwhelming, setting an intention and breaking it into smaller parts, makes it more likely that the goal will be achieved.
It also involves creating specific times in your schedule that are dedicated to only learning. It will require you to think ahead and envisage any challenges that may affect these learning times and figure out a way to work around them. This part is really about asking “am I investing the time and energy required to set myself up for success”.
Sometimes, we think we have learned something when actually we have only been exposed to the information. The act of deliberate execution helps you overcome this.
Execution is about learning and performing to the best of your capabilities. It’s about being intentional about putting your new knowledge into practice and engaging in challenging processes that allow you to grow expertise.
Teaching other and sharing what we know is also a great way to help our brains process information. By teaching others what we know, we strengthen our skills and expertise too.
Take time to reflect. Dedicate active time to think about what you are learning and what it means
Reflection is the mechanism that turns experiences into lasting learning. By taking the time to process learning we can continually refine our understanding and skills. Without reflection, even the most powerful experiences will eventually fade from memory.
Our success anytime is fueled by how quickly we respond to challenges, acquire new skills, and adapt. And good learning habits support our ability to do these things. With each good learning habit we develop, and with each bad one we leave behind, we are better able to navigate our world, both now, and in the future.